
Monday, November 11, 2013

The Time Has Come

Today, I go public with my new website and FaceBook page.

They are new, yet old at the same time. Quite an oxymoron considering it is being birthed with a representation of my work for the last 25 years. The actual birthing, however, is the New Energy, New Shari that is coming forth to reveal itself/herself in the near future.

The seeds of change have been planted and the sites will be continually morphing as the new awareness and expanded DNA begin to come forth into reality. I have been bringing forth much new information to share and when the time is right I will share it here.

I wish to thank my Dearest Ashley for all her support, time,talent and especially her patience in midwifing this project. I truly do not know what I would do without her.

Thanks to all of my other true and loyal supporters and friends for your continued love and patience as I went through my slow process in bringing the true essence of myself and my work to an expanded audience. I have been terrified on many levels of going back into the global arena, but it is time.

And so it is, NOW. Let the New begin!

Many blessings, Shari

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