Since my post about an empath's journey into the quantum levels, I have really delved deep to the core of an experience I had almost a month ago to find my truth of the experience.
I was at an amazing museum opening of a One-Man-Show that a friend of mine was invited to create. He texted me shortly before the opening reception that he had no idea the culmination of his talents and efforts (when brought together in one room) could produce such an intense emotional reaction within him. I was excited for him but was not prepared for my own reaction upon entering the gallery.
The presentation was of the famous gathering of Kumbh Mela in India. The showing was at the Museum of the Southwest here in Midland, Texas.
As I entered the gallery few people had arrived. Without warning I, too, had an extraordinary experience. I literally felt as if I had entered the Sacred Room of an ancient Temple. This temple felt like it had not been disturbed for many years and was awaiting the unveiling of Its treasures by the chosen Explorer who would venture into the wholeness of Its contents. This was the beginning of a very interesting evening for me personally.
Greg Davis, the Explorer/photographer, quickly made his way to my side as I entered. We exchanged our "feelings" and he graciously introduced me to his family. It did not take long, within the energy of the conversation with them, to tap-into the power of the art work. I did not realize at the time the magnitude of the power that the art had over me.
As I greeted familiar friends and met new acquaintances, I was very aware of a strange feeling of disconnect from the group. This disconnection continued through the short span of about an hour and half until the end of the reception. By this time, I was aware of where I was and very aware of meeting some very interesting people but still felt disconnected. These new people in my life included the sponsor for the event and other influential members of the community committed to bringing important art to the barren plains of West Texas. But a huge part of me was MIA (Missing In Action). What was going on with me? Surely, the wine at the reception could not have manifested this state of unconsciousness. Where was I? What am I, in physical reality, experiencing?
I was invited to join the prominent members of the evening for dinner afterwards. What a opportunity! The evening, however, was more like an out-of-body experience. I did not understand the process I was living but continued to interact as normal as possible. It was not until days later, that I questioned what really happened. This led me to explore the vibrations and energies that I blended with that evening.
As I explored my Inner Self and asked for understanding on the events of the evening and my strange behavior, I was once again shown levels of quantum time and space. The answers that I received were more esoteric than I could imagine.
Seems that I entered into a field outside of Time and Space as I walked into the gallery. I, truly, entered into the event of the Kumbh Mela. This included the energies of about a 100 million people! I was swept to the edge of the Ganges River with the other pilgrims in an instant that night at the gallery. I was not only there with all of them, but I was energetically connected to each and everyone in that ritual! The energy within the pictures of Greg's collection immediately sent me out of Time and Space into a realm of Connectedness, and Oneness. I Was at Kumbh Mela and I Was each of those pilgrims. My difficulty became processing all this information at the time I entered that zone of Union. My physical and mental bodies could not handle the information overload! Thus, I went out of body. Literally!
And So It Was, and So It Is (no time, no space).
This was yet another wild ride on the way to quantum living. Hold on to your hats, Dear Ones! You, too, will soon be experiencing the ride.
With much love and respect for the Awakening of us all.....
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